Sunday, July 28, 2013

Primary Rules Poster

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reflections on Halloween

Well, here's a look at those of us who dared...
Holly and Josh

Addy, Evan and Patrice
Grandma and Evan

Monday, June 8, 2009

Months fly by these days...

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything. Oh well, we're still alive and kicking! Here's a few photos:
Tatum's Birthday!
Evan's birthday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hollyanna steals the show!

Holly was the star in the play "Pollyanna" which ran from March 5th through the 9th. We laughed and cried and had a great time each night as we watched Holly give great performance after great performance. I know, I know I am her mom, but she really was fantastic as the sweet little orphan Pollyanna. Here are a few photos from the play:

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I thought I'd post some pics of the sweet people I've been working with. I really do love this job, I think the spirit world is close all the time. Since I've been there 5 residents have passed away. That's both the hard part and the good part. Death is a friend to most of the people who live there, but it's hard to see them go. The two ladies in this photo are mother and daughter, both are residents. The one with the cane just turned 99. The man is their son/grandson who was visiting that day.
This was on Halloween, the residents absolutely love babies and children.

The lady on the left passed away about a month after I started there. The one on the right is 96.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here it is January 2009, another year is over and we've had quite a few events. We added a new grandson Evan, Cassie went on a mission to Nashville, Jane went to college, Holly turned 16 and I got a job at the assisted living center in Oakley. Amy and Zach moved back to Utah and so did Patrice and Allen.

It's so nice to have my family back home (mostly). Since I am working now I haven't got much time to blog. But I have to say I really enjoy my job, it seems to fill the void left behind after you loose your parents.

I've joined weight watchers and lost 17 lbs so far. You'll notice I don't post many photos of myself, maybe I won't mind so much when I get to my goal weight.

So for the new year we are looking forward to some good things, number one would be Cassie's return in November. Holly will be driving and Addison will become a deacon. Of course I'd like to get that pond done and more landscaping. Of course we all hope for a better economy.